
Zhou Zijian

Teaching Assistant

Zhou Zijian, born in Hubei in 1996, is a teacher at the Cross Media Art Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and an independent curator. He currently works and lives in Xi'an and Beijing.

I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts and a Master's degree in Photography from the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK from 2019 to 2022. I graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2019 and went to Columbus School of Art and Design for exchange studies in 2017.

Award: Outstanding Master's Thesis (Distinction of CHS) in 2021, included in the Imperial Art Library; Excellent Award at the 2018 Shaanxi Provincial Photography Art Exhibition; Third prize in the 2016 National Industrial Design Competition of the Intellectual Property Cup; In 2016, D+M Langjian Manufacturing Factory · Top Corps Design Team ranked first.

Exhibition: 2023 "Diary of Young Artists" Beijing Yue Art Museum (curator); 2022 "Off print London" Tate Museum of Modern Art, UK; In 2022, the "Waiting Room" at the Copeland Gallery in London; 2021 "The Condension of A Cloud" curator at the Hawkston Gallery in London; 2021 "At Odds" Beijing Sugar Water Art Space; The 36th Annual Exhibition of South Huake Park Art Museum in 2020;The 18th Photography Art Exhibition of Shaanxi Province in 2018, Xi'an Liangbaolou Art Museum.

Representative works

Representative works