Institute Group/Laboratory group

Superintendent:Ren Yifei Administrators:Ren Yifei
The exhibition laboratory is a space dedicated to conducting theater performance training and course exhibitions in our department. It plays an important role in expanding the development of exhibition related courses in our department and improving the construction of our department's curriculum system, which must be exhibited every class.
Superintendent:Ren Yifei Administrators:Ren Yifei
The thinking laboratory is a comprehensive public space in our department, which includes a carrier space for academic activities such as book reading, seminars, and conferences, effectively promoting the construction of disciplines and talent cultivation in the department.
Superintendent:Yao Haolan Administrators:Yao Haolan、Ren Yifei
The main functions of the materials laboratory are the processing of wooden materials and the production of small installation works. Having over a hundred pieces of various types and sizes of equipment such as cutting, polishing, and welding; Satisfied the processing and production of a large number of installation material works by students. It is an important battlefield for ensuring the smooth ...
Superintendent:Ren Yifei Administrators:Ren Yifei
The media laboratory is a space dedicated to photography and image creation in our department, including hundreds of professional electronic devices, which can basically meet the various creative needs of our department's new media direction.