
Zhong Zhao


Zhong Zhao, female, born in Xianyang, Shaanxi in 1987.

Teacher of Cross Media Art Department at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

Party: Director of the Democratic League

Educational background:

Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School of Fine Arts from 2003 to 2006 and obtained the diploma of vocational school

Graduated from the Department of Arts and Crafts at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts from 2006 to 2010 and obtained a Bachelor's degree certificate

Graduated from the Department of Arts and Crafts at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts from 2010 to 2013 and obtained a master's degree certificate

Since 2013, I have worked successively with the Department of Arts and Crafts and the Department of Cross Media Art at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts

Awards and publications:

1. Scientific research achievements:

In December 2014, he was awarded the "Scientific Research and Creation Achievement Award - exemplary individual Award for Scientific Research Management and Cooperation" by the College.

In March 2015, "Research on the Styling Art of Shadow Puppetry Generals' Headcaps on East Road in Huaxian County, Shaanxi Province" was awarded a school level scientific research project.

In March 2016, the research on the decorative design of the main ridge of the Kongwangdian in Zhangbi Village, Jiexiu, Shanxi Province was awarded a school level scientific research project.

In 2021, participated in the research project "Research on the Relationship between Shaanxi Traditional Handicraft Regeneration Creation and Beautiful Rural Construction", which is a major theoretical and practical problem in philosophy and social sciences in Shaanxi Province

2. Paper publication:

The headgear categories of Huaxian East Road Shadow Puppetry Generals and Actors were published in the February 2016 issue of Art Review.

"A Brief Discussion on Mural Design" was published in Industrial Design in September 2016.

The research on the decorative design of the main ridge of the Kongwang Hall in Zhangbi Village, Jiexiu, Shanxi was published in Zhiyin Lizhi in May 2017.

3. Award winning works:

In 2010, the work "Soldiers and Generals" won the first prize at the Graduate Works Exhibition of the Academy, and also received the first "Dean Nomination Award" from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts.

The 2010 work "Soldiers and Generals" was selected for the "Journey of a Thousand Miles" Excellent Works Tour.

In 2011, the work "Soldiers and Generals" was published in "Art Illustrated Magazine" and "Collection of Works at the 6th China Modern Handicraft Academy Exhibition".

In 2013, the "Garden" series won the second prize in the design category of our graduation exhibition.

In 2015, the work "Domain" was nominated for the "Inheritance and Innovation -2015 International Printing Art and Design Exhibition" hosted by the School of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University.

The 2018 work "Countryside" was published and the first edition of "Chinese Mural Painting - Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Volume" was published by Jiangsu Phoenix Art Publishing House in August 2018

The 2018 work "Infinite Application to the Future" was published in the first edition of "Conceptual Materials and Skills" in August 2018 by Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House

In 2019, his works "Ballads", "Countryside", "Infinite Application to the Future", "Left Atrium", and "Tour" were published in the "College Style - Collection of Teachers' Works of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts". The first edition was published by Shaanxi People's Fine Arts Publishing House in October 2019

In 2020, the work "Patrol" participated in the "Xi'an Artists Association's Action Series Online Exhibition - Lacquer Painting Exhibition"

Representative works

Representative works