
Li Chaohui

Associate Professor

Li Chaohui, born in 1970, is from Liling, Hunan. Graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Affiliated Middle School in 1990 with a vocational school diploma; Graduated from the Oil Painting major of the Art Education Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1994 with a bachelor's degree; Graduated from the Department of Printmaking at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts with a Master's degree in Comprehensive Watermark in 2009. From 2009 to 2010, I received a full national scholarship and went to France and neighboring countries as a visiting scholar to study, mainly focusing on the study of modern and contemporary art in Western Europe.Since 1994, he has taught at the Art Education Department, Art Education Department, Experimental Art Department, and Cross Media Art Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently an associate professor, a master's supervisor in the field of comprehensive material painting, a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Comprehensive Material Painting Art Committee, and a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Watercolor and Powder Painting Art Committee.

Since I started working, I have won more than ten national and provincial scientific research and creative achievement awards, and more than twenty excellent teaching achievement awards. More than ten works were selected for important national exhibitions such as the 8th National Art Exhibition, the 13th National New Artists Exhibition, and the 2nd National Comprehensive Material Painting Biennale; More than ten works participated in foreign exhibitions; Dozens of works participated in provincial art exhibitions; More than a hundred works participated in art museums, gallery exhibitions, etc; Multiple works have been collected by national and provincial-level institutions, etc; Multiple works and papers have been published in national core journals; Participated in a total of five national, provincial, and school level projects;Participated in the writing of the national planning textbook "Sketching Fundamentals" for higher education during the 12th Five Year Plan period, and won the first prize of Excellent Textbook for Ordinary Universities in Shaanxi Province.

Representative works

Representative works